South or South-er


wallcandy wing



Here we are, on the road again.

This time, we have traveled to another old city.
It is only 11 p.m.  I guess at Midnight, we will be in the Garden of Good and Evil.

Yes, Savannah, GA.

You know, I loved that movie… Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.  Probably more because I am a huge fan of John Cusack and Kevin Spacey.

I have not seen either one of those guys since we arrived this afternoon.

Truthfully, we haven’t seen much at all.  We got in this afternoon, had dinner, and did minimal exploration.  Now, kicking back in the hotel.

When we lived in Charleston, there was a bit of a rivalry between the two cities.  Which was better? Charleston, or Savannah?  Well, we are here to find out.

So far, Savannah has the better airport, by a whole big bunch.  They also have an open square in the downtown area, where people can eat, and listen to live music outdoors. It was kind of neat.  Savannah has a candy wall, and wicked bad steps…. of the historical variety.

As for the rest… there are more people in the Charleston Metro Area, and a higher median income.  There are more college graduates in Charleston.  There is also a larger white population there, not that has to do with any of the above.

And, as far as I can tell, Savannah doesn’t have a Sharon, or a Justin, or a lot of other things. At this point….

Savannah Smiles.
But you can do the Charleston.

I’ll keep you posted on the rest.