The Fourth of July. The day we celebrate our Independence. This United States of America. Many people lose sight of the true meaning of this holiday. We get distracted by cookouts, fireworks, vacations, parties, and travel. Heck, even hot
Oh Rats.
Sometime during the wee hours of this morning, we caught Jack, the one-eyed rat. And that is where the trouble began. But there is a history that goes with the event. • I love coffee. Making a fresh pot of
Mix it up.
I started out as a chemistry major in college. And stayed with it for a few years. Here’s a little secret about me. I think science is cool. It began a long time ago, this fascination with all things science.
When KaBoom KeBangs
Tonight, July 1, a Saturday night. Many across our country took advantage of this day to celebrate Independence Day. The Fourth of July, a few days early. So, they celebrate. Many people have a few drinks or more. And then,
Walk this way
Our dogs. They are so very different. Tonight after dinner, I took all three outside for a walk. This is a real stretch for Maxine, our oldest. She is about 17 years old by our best measure. Mostly blind, deaf,
Zappo. Flip.
An outage. Tonight we have one. Of the electrical variety. In fact, we haven’t had electricity since about 3:30 this afternoon. It is getting warm in here and we do not have screens in our windows. It doesn’t bother me
Big Whoop
This morning, hungrily, I reached for a box of oatmeal from the pantry shelf. I thought to myself, as I admired the box, “This HAS to be the best oatmeal in the world.” During my incredibly scrumptious breakfast, a few
What’s the word.
Word. Words can be powerful things. Spoken, written, even plastered on a billboard… high in the sky, in big bold letters. They will give us instructions on how to put batteries in our new clock, or express to another human
Feel the Catnip
I am not one to give advice. I know I have my little ad-libs here every night about the goodness and power of the Universe. And I believe those things to be true. You know how I go…. like… “C’mon
Like icing on the cake
I went to a birthday party tonight. Little Mr. Titus turned seven. Birthday parties, such as these, always give me cause to think back about my own childhood. But there was Titus tonight, the middle child in his family now.