Just like this barrel, I’m a little shot where my writing is concerned. And so. Like these eggs, I’m taking a break.
This daily writing thing. Something you do over and over again. Not like some everyday tasks. Like peeing or those sorts of things. Those just happen when the urgency hits. No. The writing must be conjured. Coaxed. Manufactured. Invented. Lately, I
In the newspaper. Roll.
The first time I learned to roll and tuck a newspaper, it was in the garage at the Ballard’s house on Knecht Drive. They were the Grand Poo Bahs of the newspaper routes. Their garage, our headquarters, seemed pretty new.
The Good Eats
Community Meals are a very good thing. Tonight, we hosted another free community dinner at The Bistro. It was sponsored by The Ohio Cardinals. We got slammed. It was a record night for meals served. We were moving, I’ll tell
Take One!
\Today, I saw movies in real life. Or, mostly just the titles of movies. The first one was rather uneventful, but incredibly creepy. “Christine vs. Silence of the Lambs” It is when you are driving down the road on any
Cake Light
Tonight we went to a Birthday Party. For our oldest grand daughter. She turned 21 this weekend. Not 21 months. Twenty-one years. Oh my gosh we are old. But as we do at all those birthday celebrations, when the cake
Six Foot Rabbit
We’ve all heard the news by now. Hurricane Harvey is pelting the state of Texas. That big State has been through some things from the start. Texas has been controlled by Spain, France, the Confederate States of America, and Mexico. Finally, it found its
Cop, or…
I picked a random word for the day, and it is “copper.” I suppose I have much to say about any word. So it may as well be copper. In fact, that was my nickname during college. Early on. When
The little buzz in us
Some days just feel like regular old days. I think that is the case most of the time. And then, of course, there are days that go terribly wrong. And we tolerate. But on occasion, we find ourselves waking up,
Small town flush
This world is full of things to behold. People. Places. Moments in time. Let’s take one of those moments to consider the person who invented the Snooze Button. That really took some thought, work, and effort. But it was a