Some people have different challenges in life. One that comes to mind. There are some of us, who struggle with left and right. I don’t do this so much anymore. Okay. Truthfully, I do. Especially, when someone is facing me,
By new ribbon
For many years, I did not read. Well, that’s not true. I read a lot of things daily. Articles, reports, historical accounts, news stories, and those sorts of things. I just did not read books. None. Zero. In fact, I
Yum. And Yum.
Community. a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common: a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals Meal. any of the regular occasions
Gander. Goose. Me.
There is a frequent line I hear, in movies and TV shows. People are always saying, typically while pointing a gun at someone….“You will do ‘such and such’ if you know what’s good for you.” If you know what is
Roll a decks.
I had a dream the other night, where everyone seemed to have a Rolodex. It was a big theme throughout this particular dream. I like Dreams. In fact, I love them. This reverie went on and on. At one
Holy Moley.
The Mole. I mean, why not, really? A mole can be a lot of different things. From being an old Chemistry Major, the kind of Mole I think about, when I first hear the word, is the mathematical mole. It
It’s only natural
I love nature. I truly enjoy being surrounded by it. Seeing it, smelling it, sensing it. I like to discover all the little wonders, and the worlds within worlds. I love to soak the feeling in. Those little rolly bugs
What a ball.
The day after Thanksgiving, and dang it. It happened again.. There was old Lucy, in her nice blue dress. In the middle of the yard, kneeling down, holding the football, and assuring Charlie Brown that she really IS going to
Good stuffs
Thanksgiving. That time of year to give thanks, yes? At least, that is what the title suggests we should do on this day. Thanks. Giving. I think the world might be slightly better if we all gave thanks, every
Like a sub
Conversations can be interesting, or boring, depending on the content. Either way, conversations can lead our minds to think in new ways, about new things. Just the other day, I had a chat with someone, who had, at one