Noble. Oh to be a noble soul. It could mean a couple of things actually. You could be from a hereditary line with high social, or political status. You know, your Mom and Dad, Queen and King. Nobility. Or, it
Dot. Dash. Dot.
We humans. We live a tiny little insignificant life in the grand expanse of existence. Given the greater scheme of things. We are but blips. The earth is 4.5 billion years old. Life began here 3.8 billion years ago. Humans
Bleb Wog
I write this thing every night. Most people refer to it as a Blog. I don’t like to call it that. I never have, for some odd reason. I don’t have anything against Blogs. They are all over the place.
Catch the Moon.
Despicable Me. If you have not seen this movie, I recommend it. The story is about a villain named Gru. He and another villain-dweeb are vying for ownership of the moon. A lot of other things happen in the meantime.
Play, baby.
I have always been a big fan of toys. For as long as I can remember. Believe it or not, this started way back when I was a kid. Yep. That was all I could think of at times,
Tree Maker
Tonight we had a ceramics class at the Art Center. The Workshop is called “Not Your Grandma’s Christmas Tree.” And. We made trees. A lot of them. I shaped mine with my hands. I guess you could say they were
Feeling Crumby.
My aunt told me a story once. She was young. A little girl. They may have been living on Sherman Avenue, but definitely somewhere, in the houses on the east side of Dayton. One day, a neighbor,( or friend of
Mooning you.
The moon is big and full tonight. Beautiful. The thing that causes the full moon is the line-up. It occurs during a lunar phase, of course. Not just any old phase, but one that happens when the moon is on
Me vs. Me
I start each day in a meeting, with a little group of would-be chickens. Poached. It is one of my biggest conundrums. A hypocrisy, if you will. I often write about my love for animals. How I value their lives,
The short stick
Sometimes, animals are heroes. In many different ways. I love the animal kingdom. I truly do. They are smarter, and more feeling, than most of us give them credit for. Animals have feelings, and thoughts, and ideas, just like you