I have a lot of personal “Anniversary” dates. Because, over the years, I have quit numerous things that were not so great for my well-being. I always forget the “date” on the “date” it seems. And then a few
Topsy. Turvy.
In the most abrupt and unavoidable way, some sort of table-faerie came upon me this morning, and pushed my freshly poured coffee cup, right out of my hand. I know it was pushed, as I watched the white ceramic decanter
Two hands moving
Our lives, pretty much, revolve around time. Most of us don’t consider the thing. The “time” itself. The “what” of it. I mean, it seems like it just should be some force of nature. But humans created the organization of
This very morning I was in the shower shaving my legs. Now, before anyone jumps my ship about shaving, in any way shape or form, I will just say this. I like the way my legs feel when they are
Lew Says
Today, I was hanging with Lew. Lou. Loooooo. We went out to pee. Well, Lew was going outside to pee. I just tag along, because he won’t have it any other way. But. While we were there, we looked around
Throw it back
I don’t know what to do for the world. I don’t know how to help. It seems like too much, sometimes. There are crimes against humanity occurring in this moment, this very second, all over the world. There is widespread
Are you full? Or not?
Sometimes the slogan and jargon ride, gets way off the tracks. Somebody says a “catchy” something, and before you know it, everyone is jumping aboard. Like the Ice Bucket Challenge. Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE that it raised a
Ties. Dresses.
Where does time go? Today, is my brother Jerry, and sister-in-law Betty’s 43rd Anniversary. Forty-three years together. How does the tick, go tock, so many times? Those two started out so young. They have been together, down the long road,
Dear God. Love, Polly
I like to find little facts about things and then imagine how life would go, if that particular fact were not true. Take for instance the bat. The rats with wings bat, and not the baseball bat. Here is the
Whoopsy Daisy.
Don’t look so sad. What’s the problem? Gravity weighing you down? It is on us all, at this point. You are not alone. Try throwing a ball up in the air and watch it, fall to the floor. Gravity. I