Life’s most important thing

I read a little “coaching” type column this morning. You know the drill. It was one of those pieces where the blogger gives you some important life lesson. A way to better yourself, each and every day.

Not like here, where we talk about important things like the fact that Hares are born with fur, and they can see. And those Rabbits? They are born ‘naked’ and blind.

Anyway, the article. The entire subject suggested this piece of advice: “Today, I will focus on the thing that is most important.”

It said we need to drill down and make this our center.

Call me Problematic Polly, but this seems like an undo-able task to me. First and foremost, if you really narrow things down, “breathing” is our most important activity. I mean, we have ten zillion bodily functions that are all required for us to merely exist. In every single moment. Most of which, we don’t have to think about. Miraculously, they just happen. If we are in good working order, that is. But the breathing thing is one activity we can control and regulate.

But let’s throw that one out, and call “breathing” a normal bodily function.

Back to the phrase. Today I will focus on the thing that is most important.

Again. This seems too much for me. How can one ever decide what is most important? This world is a very big place and the sheer volume of things occurring in any given moment is phenomenal.

Most of us can put these in bulky classifications: Family, Friends, Work, Home, Spirituality, Self-Purpose, Life-Survival. But within those are a blue million sub-categories. If you have 12 grandchildren, you can’t be with all of them, equally, at once, for instance.

And then there are other planetary things. Which are way up there. As an example, take those islands off the West-Coast of Australia. On one of them is a lake. Lake Hillier to be exact. The water, the color of the lake, is a bright, bubble-gum pink. I’m told it is the only colored lake in the world. But here is the thing. Scientists have not yet determined what causes Hillier to be such a bright pink. We have to find out.

Now. I don’t know about you, but this seems pretty pressing to me.

And since we are on the island thing. There is an uninhabited island in the Bahamas. It is called Pig Beach, and for good reason. It is  populated entirely by swimming pigs. Nobody really knows how they got there. But. There it is. Another big item by my standards. Swimming Pigs with an island of their own? I smell hints of Orwell’s Animal Farm.

I could go on innumerably here. But perhaps we should all take this next one into consideration. It has to do with the lovely, and wonderful, Marge Simpson. Originally, her hair style was designed that way — all big and upright — because the creator, Matt Groening wanted to hide her rabbit ears.

Marge Simpson. Rabbit ears.
That means she was born naked, and blind.

Which. Logically. Leads us to the very next supposition.

We are all either like Rabbits. Or Hares.
And that my friends, should be our greatest concern.

Are we born blind, and learn to see?
Or do we come in seeing, and end up losing our sight?


“The most pathetic person in the world is some one who has sight but no vision.”
― Helen Keller


“You can find something truly important in an ordinary minute.”
― Mitch Albom, For One More Day


“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.”
― Albert Einstein
