You know. I love when my mind is stimulated. I absolutely get enthralled when I am challenged by a new way of thinking, an alternative idea or concept, a fresh path.
And when it makes sense… that is the best part of all. The lightbulb really does appear over one’s head… as bright as the Northern Star.
I am always talking about being in the present moment, being “mindful”, and on. Time and again, I write about not worrying about the future, or dwelling in the past. I write those things here. Probably not as much for anyone’s benefit except my own. Those are the things I am trying to learn. And convince myself of.
Part of that is the realization that I am infinitely blessed. I mean it. I have so many blessings, I could never begin to count them all. I can sit here, on my laptop, and type. That’s like… 1000 blessings, all in that sentence. Electricity. Freedom. Living in the United States. Having a home. Being able to sit up straight… all on my own… and breathe on my own. I can see. My brain can form words and thoughts, and communicate those through language. I have heat in my home. There are three dogs at my feet. A TV is on the wall near me and I am watching the Chargers and the Bears play. This could go on indefinitely, as I mentioned above. All of these things are splendid blessings in my life…. in this minute… as I sit here and type on my laptop.
The world is filled with a LOT of good people and a LOT of good things. I am lucky, fortunate, and blessed to know a good bunch of them.
Back to the here, the now. In any moment, I can find just as many blessings. That is amazing to me. The abundance of the Universe is truthfully ours, in every moment. We only have to be with it… to see it… to know it.
Someone said it to me this way today: “Good is only here in the present moment, in the eternal now. We can move our thoughts from the past and the future, and escape into the present now.”
Here we are. Right now.
That is the biggest blessing of all.
Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
— Francis of Assisi
We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.
— Joseph Campbell
Change your thoughts and you change your world.
— Norman Vincent Peale
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
— Anne Frank