I recently attended a birthday party. For a ten-year-old. Specifically, for Mary’s son’s son. The party was your typical deal for a kid. Lots of other kids running around. Tacos. Cake. Presents.
Life at ten. I can’t recall much about my life, at ten, without prompts. Thankfully, my Mom took oodles of photos…. of everything. And I can jump back to year ten… and remember.
I announced that year, that I would be the first “girl” player on the Cincinnati Reds. My Grandpa Ed did not discourage me when I pronounced my intentions. Instead, he patted me on the arm and said he would buy the very first tickets to that game. This was how lucky I was as a kid.
I played softball back then. For our grade school. Our Lady of Mercy. And then, in the summertime, at North Riverdale Little League. We were warriors. We were.
I learned how to Square Dance at school. Board Games were one of my favorite things in the world. My most loved games were Clue, Masterpiece, and Waterworks… in that order. I loved to go swimming, every chance I got. And that Christmas, I received my first Magic Kit. My brother Jerry married his wife Betty. They were teenagers. They had a bun in the oven. No one would let me in on the big secret. But I knew there was a big secret.
At ten, I was hitting that awkward stage. I had cuteness early in life. It ended by the time I hit double digits.
That is the most of what I remember about being ten.
But some of the things I remember…. were instilled. The lessons I learned by the time I was ten.
I knew it was important to share, and also be play by the rules. Cheating was out. I learned to think for myself, to problem-solve, and to be logical about things. Some of the lessons, I had to practice every day. There was a “place for everything, and everything in its place.” I had to put things away and clean up my messes. I learned there were more people involved in life than just me.
And that Peanut Butter and Jelly on Wonder Bread…was magic. Every time.
Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence. — Abigail Adam
A man who asks is a fool for five minutes. A man who never asks is a fool for life. — Chinese Proverb
A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience. — Oliver Wendell Holmes