Well, gosh darn it, Mary Tyler Moore died. This makes me sad. Truly. I loved Mary Tyler Moore. Actually, I didn’t know her. I never even met her. But I sure did like her persona on the screen. And her
Category: BigDangDeal
Head Room
There is much more that went on in Abraham Lincoln’s head than most people know about it. In fact, just behind his hairline, in a secret room. Not in his real head. But in the big Lincoln head at Mount
Duck. Duck. Goose.
As luck, and fate would have it… we have a couple of geese. A boy goose… and… a girl goose. And today… that girl goose laid her first egg. And a big honking egg at that. Millie the Giver.
Call the Flower.
The choosing of a cauliflower can be an arduous task. First, let me say this. I like the cauliflower, in just about every way. A multifaceted wonder of nature. I think it is one of the coolest looking vegetables on
Who. R. U.
Who are you? That’s a pretty big question, I’ll tell you. I’ve been giving it quite some thought all day. Early this morning, I wrote and installment here on Kid Wednesday. I identified myself in many different ways. Really. I
A point should be sharp.
I was hoping to find some clear answers about whether or not I should continue this thing I do. This writing gig here, which comes pretty naturally most of the time. Most of the time. And the pay… welllll …
Have a Ball. Or you’re fired.
It appears it is THAT time again. The Inauguration of a new President. Of the United States. To inaugurate. What is THAT exactly? Well, the word is a verb, which means to admit someone….. quite formally…. to a public
Happy go lucky.
It’s all good. Hunky-Dory. Now there is a phrase you don’t hear so often anymore. I used to like saying Hunky-Dory. Although…. for a lot of years… I thought it was Honky. Like honking your horn. The real origins of
Knight, Knight…
I am forever intrigued by Secret Societies. I think this started when I was a kid, and had the need to feel included. I mean, we all want to be wanted, by somebody, I think. We are young and unsure