News Agencies, of various flavors, put out some very nice things for us to read at times. It upsets me, that News Agencies, the credible ones, are getting such a bad wrap these days. Most of these people dedicate their
Category: BigDangDeal
Sweets for the sweet.
Every Holiday, throughout the year, plays the same tune. Where ever you turn, there you see all the prompts about the Holiday. The decorations, candy, music, cards, plays, fireworks, and the articles. The articles. Every time you turn around there
Do you speak English?
I get the Merriam-Webster “Word of the Day.” I love subscribing to this free newsletter. It comes to my Inbox, bright and early, dependably. In fact, when I get up each morning at 3:30, there it is. Waiting. Patiently. It
Is it icy, or green?
Here’s what happened a long time ago. The Vikings, the guys with the long boats, burly beards, and very heavy-metal hats, are the ones who gave both Iceland and Greenland their names. They were REALLY thinking when they did this.
Written in Crayon
I don’t remember getting into trouble very often from my Mom & Dad. A few occasions stand out it my mind. I am sure it probably happened much more frequently than I remember. I’ve always been one of those people
Flying High
In a world of “Breaking News” Events and a constant flow of information, it becomes easy to miss some key items. Those things that you most certainly “need to know” today. So, I thought I would share a few with
The City Life
My address is in Camden, Ohio. I live Out-In-The-Country-Camden; not the Village-Proper-Camden. Little Camden. It isn’t the most progressive place in the world, but 2,083 of us like to call it home. This year, the Village of Camden will be
The great big what.
I wrote some things tonight, and I don’t feel that it will do any good to reprint them here. Throwing a brick through the front window won’t make anything better. Like every other day, I have a complete sense of
Whether a Weather Balloon?
Some people believe the earth is flat. I am not one of them. I have read the scientific proof which has indicated otherwise. Besides that, I’ve seen the round shadow the earth makes on the moon, and I’ve flown in
Oh. This is steamy.
My name. I’ve written about it before. Polly. That’s the real deal. It is on my Birth Certificate, my Baptismal Notice, and stamped on my butt, in very minuscule letters, which resemble a mole. It isn’t a very popular name.