I will tell you what happened on this date, in 1942. It isn’t good. Sometimes, events line up like dominoes. And once you tip one, the whole bunch of them start falling, one right after the other. Such is the
Category: BigDangDeal
My shadow, or not.
There seems to be some sort of disruption in the Writing Universe today, as the words are not coming to me. There are a multitude of topics to address. Especially in the way of Washington. But when I weigh the
It all swims below.
Two unrelated events in history have occurred on this date. First, have you ever been in a place where there have been so many people that you felt completely squished? Two occasions immediately come to my mind. There was a
Don’t dodge. Duck.
I saw some ducks the other day. They were just swimming along. Being ducks. I really like them. But, in all fairness, you could ask me that about any animal, and I would say the same thing. “Polly. How do
It all moves. Somehow.
“I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.” Galileo said that. Somewhere around the year 1620.Not that he needs my endorsement,
Heads Up, Sainty V
I thought about writing a sweet and endearing history about Valentine’s Day. But, off the cuff, I couldn’t remember ever hearing a happy one. I knew it dated back to Saint Valentine and martyrdom, so I dug a little. There
Do and be done
It has been very windy here. It started yesterday. They say the gusts got up to 50 mile per hour, and the sustained winds were at 25. Bluster is a gross understatement. When I took the dogs out late last
First Man and Pudding Day
Today is Abe Lincoln’s birthday. Now there was a guy. A truly great man, and in my opinion, the best President the United States has ever had. I won’t go into all the details of his life, like a normally
Now you see it….
Mary, the Virgin Mary. The Mother of Jesus, Mary. She seems to be more popular with Catholics than with other religious organizations. I am not sure why this is. Catholics seem to give her more credence, than say, Baptists, or
Chopping, or spewing.
Hacks are all over the place. And, the hack has changed significantly. In my earliest days, Hack meant one of two things. You were coughing, or expelling phlegm from you lungs. Berke Breathed, the superior cartoonist of Bloom County, often