
Pulling the wool over one’s eyes. This old phrase implies deceit. Duplicity. When I hear it, I always picture a sheep perched on someone’s head, fluffing its fluffiness down across their eyes. But that isn’t it, at all. Its origins

Hey. You. Yeah. You.

We all have our names. As they go, mine is pretty unique. Polly Cecile Kronenberger My confirmation name is Constance. In all that is 32 letters of names. Longer than the alphabet. Polly is my true name too, at least,

Confucius say.

I’m thinking about Confucius. I’ve heard his name hundreds of times in my life. But what I don’t know is when, where, and how he lived. A long time ago, yes. China, yes. Of course we know him as a

Steal. It’s okay.

We used to play a game during recess at good old Our Lady of Mercy. But first I have to explain the recess process that was used at our grade school. Our recess happened with lunch time. Everyone was pushed