There was all sorts of big news to share with you today. But I’m dropping it. Normally, when I write this, I compose my thoughts late in the evening, and put together what springs to mind. On occasion though, there
Category: BigDangDeal
Gimme Juice.
Tonight, I am still thankful we have a generator. We are lucky / fortunate / blessed that way. Our electric has been out since yesterday afternoon. It probably won’t be back on until tomorrow night, from what I am able
Transform us…. please.
Well, well, well. A big storm crashed through today. Big. We must have had some powerful straight line winds move past us. Enough to pick up a large glass-top outdoor table, and heave it about 12 feet from where it
Monsters and chicken eggs.
Today is our oldest grand daughter’s birthday. She came around to these parts about 20 years ago. To me, that seems hard to believe. That thing called time. Evasive. Weird. Super fast when you don’t want it to be. Super
Tip me over, Heathen.
I am a fan of the entertainment world, it seems. I love music, plays, sports, and the like. I especially am fond of the movies. Good movies, of course. And most certainly, that is all subjective. One man’s “Butch Cassidy
It rattles around up there.
Things I have thought about today. Not at great length, but things that have just run through my brain, from back to front, or even perhaps, left to right. Thing One. Some states seem to be more glamorous than others.
Big Sky. And Such.
The sun. Bright, brilliant, magnificent ball of energy. On some days, its heat reaches the earth with such incredible intensity. And then…. we say… … “Well hey there Floyd. Dang. It’s a hot one. We got a real scorcher today.”
Little Creatures
Schmuck. Okay, let’s figure that out first. schmuck |SHmək| (also shmuck) noun – N. Amer. informal a foolish or contemptible person. There you have it. A contemptible person. One who is worthless and despicable. In Yiddish, it is considered a
Big Date. Again. Again.
The planets line up as they do. All the time. They are constantly changing positions and rotations. I am not an astronomer, by any means. But I do know all the balls rotate around the sun at different speeds, and
Found. And Lost.
I found a dog today. This hasn’t happened to me in quite a while. It seemed like, for some time, I would find a stray a week. It got to be a bit of a running joke. But it is