I think most kids have “dreams” of being someone particularly spectacular when they “grow up.” I know I did. In fact, I had about a half dozen of them. Grownups always ask, in fact. “Hey little you….., what are
Category: BeBop
In the Headlines.
Tonight, I was tempted to write about politics. I was. Truly. You see, today was a big day. An endorsement for Donald Trump. In Ames, Iowa, Sarah Palin — (Oh, you remember Sarah “The Lipstick-on-the-Pig-Soccer-Mom-Lady” who also happens to be
The dude in the dog suit…
For some of this past weekend… I payed attention to football. Now even if you are not a sports fan, you may want to get in on this. Heck, even post your idea about who’s going to win #51. You
Pigging out.
Bunnies hop. But here is the deal. I’ve said it a million times, but I have never actually “hopped in the shower.” That would be a little weird. But tonight, I just might try it. There are a lot of
Dream a little dream….
Leonardo da Vinci once said, “Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake?” That is a very good question Leo. I wish there were a clear answer…. Oh those dreams. I love
My day, but….
As you know, most of the time, here in my little “writing world,” I feel the need to share the highlights of my day. Today should be know different. Albeit, I had a Colonoscopy today. Which is all the more
That fleeting moment.
Do you know that awkward feeling when you walk into a room, or sit at a restaurant table, and the people in your near vicinity are having some sort of “thing.” I mean, you can’t imagine what might have transpired,
Serving Notice
Can you imagine? Each and every day. … ..the shear delight we have in our very midst. There is so much right before us, filled with grace and goodness. Sometimes, when we have these things, we take them for
Snow, mind you. Mind full.
Tonight, I dedicate this writing to all the people who wanted the snow to come…. in the midst of our 60 degree weather. They would cite the “beauty of the snow” as the reason for their wishes. The beauty. And
Back…and Forth…
Oh, to really be able to …. Time Warp. Like the Rocky Horror Picture Show… only different. “Let’s do the Time Warp Again…..” I think I would like it. A lot. I see some old photographs, and it makes me