We are all the same. Yet we are all very different. You are completely unique in this world. Completely you and only you. But so is everyone else. And here we are. The same, but not so much. I started
Category: BeBop
Both sides now
I start all of this off tonight, with a little background color. We used to live in Charleston, SC. Not all the time, but it was definitely our second home. A piece of our heart home. Besides the very good
In the mud.
Sometimes it feels a little bit difficult to be human. Life isn’t always easy. It’s probably a healthy thing to remember that. We like to be happy. Most of us, at least. Albeit, I also see a certain number of
How it works…
Today, a good friend talked very specifically about having premonitions. She knew something was about to happen, and it did. Twice. Very recently. Unrelated to her stories… but earlier in the day, I thought (out loud), “I haven’t seen our
Big Dip
Here is the long and short of it. Sometimes I lose my zip. I go flat. Like a tire in the winter time. I can’t help it really. I mean, I lead a pretty dull life….truth be told. I am
The Big Visit
I can only imagine my surprise, seeing the big city of Pittsburgh. Annie was one of my favorite friends, even though I didn’t get to see her very much. She was always so nice, and welcoming. And she was pretty
I don’t remember much about being four. Not much at all. In fact, there are occasions when I have a hard time remembering all that much about any year of my childhood. We have so many photo albums in
“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…I could walk through my garden forever.” ― Alfred Lord Tennyson “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” ―
What we have.
I don’t have that many friends to begin with. Unless, of course, you count the 609 of them here on Facebook. Six hundred ten, if you count Zuckerberg. At any rate, I don’t want any of you to think less
Big Lessons
I don’t want you to miss out on some of life’s greatest truths. So tonight, tirelessly, fiercely, I write. Not because I can. Because I must…. I will commence. Don’t sit down. Most dust particles in your house are made