Well, gosh darn it, Mary Tyler Moore died. This makes me sad. Truly. I loved Mary Tyler Moore. Actually, I didn’t know her. I never even met her. But I sure did like her persona on the screen. And her
Head Room
There is much more that went on in Abraham Lincoln’s head than most people know about it. In fact, just behind his hairline, in a secret room. Not in his real head. But in the big Lincoln head at Mount
Duck. Duck. Goose.
As luck, and fate would have it… we have a couple of geese. A boy goose… and… a girl goose. And today… that girl goose laid her first egg. And a big honking egg at that. Millie the Giver.
Call the Flower.
The choosing of a cauliflower can be an arduous task. First, let me say this. I like the cauliflower, in just about every way. A multifaceted wonder of nature. I think it is one of the coolest looking vegetables on
Who. R. U.
Who are you? That’s a pretty big question, I’ll tell you. I’ve been giving it quite some thought all day. Early this morning, I wrote and installment here on Kid Wednesday. I identified myself in many different ways. Really. I
A point should be sharp.
I was hoping to find some clear answers about whether or not I should continue this thing I do. This writing gig here, which comes pretty naturally most of the time. Most of the time. And the pay… welllll …
Have a Ball. Or you’re fired.
It appears it is THAT time again. The Inauguration of a new President. Of the United States. To inaugurate. What is THAT exactly? Well, the word is a verb, which means to admit someone….. quite formally…. to a public
Happy go lucky.
It’s all good. Hunky-Dory. Now there is a phrase you don’t hear so often anymore. I used to like saying Hunky-Dory. Although…. for a lot of years… I thought it was Honky. Like honking your horn. The real origins of
Knight, Knight…
I am forever intrigued by Secret Societies. I think this started when I was a kid, and had the need to feel included. I mean, we all want to be wanted, by somebody, I think. We are young and unsure