There is a lot going on in my wee brain tonight, I’ll tell you. “Life is like a box of chocolates.” That is my least favorite line from the movie, “Forrest Gump.” It has become so cliche’. Nevertheless, it is
Marching In.
Another Saint. Killed. Right there on the spot. All in the name of religion. Don’t run away screaming. I like the Saints. Especially when they come marching in. Come marching in. Here is the skinny. I get this “Catholic Newsletter”
Coy. Or. Worried.
There is a commercial on TV right now. Actually, there is a plethora of commercials on TV right this minute. But the one I just watched was about these little Gummy Bears. I think they were called Haribo Golden Bears.
Bad Art, Good Folk
Tonight we had the pleasure of attending Bad Art, Good Folk. It is an event hosted by the Preble County Art Association. Wow, do I love this event! It is so crazy good. Okay. So I am a teensy bit
Do this. Not that.
I had to go to the BMV today. That should be enough said, right there. In most cases… especially in bigger cities… the BMV stands for the Baffling, Maddening, Venture. But our little BMV here in Eaton, Ohio is a
What a bore.
Not board. Not bored either. In fact, I am never bored. It is a word I do not know or comprehend. There is always something to do, or to be done in my life. To be bored, is this, according
Mums the Word
So here is something I did not know. Queen Elizabeth has a purse and she uses it. A little disclaimer here. I have never noticed that QE carries a purse. That is basically how I am though. I could not
Goats. Geese. Chickens. Sometimes, you just have to stop, and watch the show. Leo Tolstoy, spoke to this very matter, once. He said…. “If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give, that which I considered
Jelly Mind
Now… we are all getting older. By the minute. If you are exempt, please send me a private message. I want some of the Elixer. For the rest of us, we are slowly decomposing. Essentially. One of the things that
The Good Egg
I could write about a lot of things tonight. It was a full and busy day. Mary and I started bright and early to get ready for the clamoring of family who would visit our home. A bustling and