Language. The great communicator. We all use many different languages. Body language. Numbers. Signs. Scripts. Albeit, most Americans only speak English. Which is a bit of a shame, I think. In many European (and other world) countries, the education systems
Breath in the unknown.
We have a lot to learn. That is my assertion, anyway. And I mean “we” as in the human race. For instance, I wish we would have chosen a different name for the sum of us. Other than “race.”
The Dust
Hey. I’ll be back tomorrow. You see, I just learned the moon tonight is in the first quarter. I remember earning my first quarter. So in honor, I’ve decided to take the night off. Just like Labor Day, only not
One brick at a time.
Growing up, all my siblings and I lived in the same house on East Bruce Avenue. From the time we were born (except my two oldest sisters) until the day we each moved out. Most of us left, on our
Real Smart. vs….
All this talk of Artificial Intelligence has me a “wee” bit on edge. Okay. A LOT on edge. And I am not talking about the kind of ‘artificial intelligence’ that comes out of the mouth of the guy. You know
Grass 101
Nineteen thousand, three hundred, fifty eight days. That translates to 53 years. To some it may sound old, to others I may seem like a babe in the woods. Either way… I’ve racked up a few numbers here and
My Deer Opinion.
Sometimes, I think I would rather stub my toe HARD, than to hear the current events of the day. Mostly, it seems, I am upended and aghast at certain things that are happening in our world. I go completely sideways
Old as worried dirt.
Everyday. So much in the news. I’ll tell you. Sometimes it makes your head spin. Like Linda Blair in the Exorcist. I have considered writing different versions of Kid Wednesday. Keeping this one….. called… Kid Wednesday “There is something
Good food.
This evening, we worked the community meal at the Bistro. It was a meal. It was for the community. There was no charge for the food. Or for the hospitality. There were a lot of good people there tonight.
Bulls between the eyes
I truly enjoy playing darts. In fact, I like most sports where there is a target, and the point of the game is to hurl, throw, thrust, or shoot, something at that target. Darts, bowling, shooting, archery, skeet ball. The