March Madness is afoot. Theoretically, this could mean a lot of things to a lot of people. March Madness may be the absolute zaniness that occurs when people are told to walk in a straight line, in step with everyone
Newsy. News See.
On any given day, a flurry of news headlines whoosh before our eyes. Well. My eyes, at least. I have things set up that way, intentionally. I get “news feeds” delivered directly to my Inbox. From the widest of sources.
Oh great. Perfect.
Four times in the past 24 hours or so, I have “stumbled” across messages about perfection. When the same things keep coming across the wires, it makes me contemplate. My little brain wonders, “Who is trying to tell me WHAT?”
Stepping out or in.
We all travel differently. Even though you and I walk, to get from place to place, we do not stride in the exact same manner. Some people have broad, measured steps. Others are quick and nimble. And there are gliders,
Boogie Down Lar.
As days go, this has to be one of my favorites of the year. March 11th. It is my sister’s birthday. Being the youngest of seven children, I like the days, of the birthdays, of my sibs. So yes. This
Bingle. Fankle. Wabbit.
Smidge HAS to be one of my favorite words ever. I have a bag of them. It is kind of like when people have their favorite movies, or foods, or colors. With me, I just seem to like certain words.
No wait for words.
There are lots of things to read on the internet. Actually, “lots” is a gross understatement. The amount of information available to us is endless. One of the newer stories breaking, is the quote from former Republican Michelle Bachmann, while
The Outstanding
This world is full of people. Last count, there were roughly 7,608,000,000. That is getting close to 8 billion. A lot. And today, I felt very proud of one of those individuals in our little part of that
The big glitch. The old snafu. The error on the Short Stop. The past two days, have been going wrong. Not like falling off a cliff, wrong. But wrong, like the monkey with the wrench, wrong. No internet has been
My most disturbing Walmart trip
The whole gun issue, will once again, fade right away from the headlines. The kids will go back to their schools, the politicians will take the respective chairs in Washington, and the very fat cats at the NRA, will draw