Journal Entry: December 2, 2015 – Wednesday 6:32 p.m. It is dark. Dark and eerily quiet. The air is crisp and cold as I walk to the chicken house. The sky flutters, as snow dances on the breeze. A dog
Back and forth… again.
Fickle. Now, THAT is a good word. I like the word fickle a lot. Notwithstanding the fact that I am fickle. Let’s put that aside for now. But. Go ahead. Say it aloud. Fickle. There is a feel-good noise it
We’ve been shot.
Tonight, I have been scanning old family photos. My Mom. I’ll tell you. She loved photographs. I think she probably still does love her photographs. She just doesn’t remember about them, most of the time. But there is plenty to
The big question.
One thing I just keep fighting against…. is the realization that ALL of life is filled with uncertainty. I’ve said it a thousand times before. I’ve meant it too. Everything is uncertain. All of it. There are no crystal
Well Boo to you too.
I love a good ghost story. I do. And they are all over the place. On any given night, just head to the big flat screen, and dial the old TV down to any number of curiosity-seeking networks. There are
Where do you go or know?
Life can be a real riddle sometimes. What do I mean by riddle you ask? Riddle. It is a funny word in and of itself. It sounds like griddle, or fiddle… which are funny words too. They sound like
Behind the curtain.
The things we don’t see. There are a bunch of them. All around us. Unbeknownst to us. The other day, I learned we all have eyelash mites. Gross, I know. But those little boogers reside in your eyelashes… right near
The Big Lie
Chuck: Dude. What are you doing over here, all by yourself? Why are you slumped down like that. Tommy: You better stay out of sight there too Boy Genius. Chuck: Why? Tommy: Today is Thanksgiving. Chuck: So? Tommy: We look
Squanto helped. Thankfully.
Oh sure. We all know the story of the first Thanksgiving. It runs a little bit like this. A bunch of English folks, on a boat… seeking religious freedom… bump into a big rock in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ahhhh. Plymouth and
Are you a dip?
Our lives change with time. Sometimes for the good. And sometimes not. But, we all want it to be focused on the “good” — I think. But let’s consider this. Oooohhhhh. How about The Fondue Set? Let’s say you’ve