America. That’s where we live. Well, most of us who read this. Yes, we are Americans. But here is the question. Why are you an American? Because you were born here? Is that enough? I rarely talk politics here, but
Good King & I
Well. Well, well. I am pretty tired tonight, so I decided to write a little earlier than normal. But I sat here, and sat. My brain is just a little on the gray side. That “matter” part of the “gray”
Sit down, or fall there.
Some days, you have plain old incidents. Other days… you have Goat Incidents. Tonight… I had a Goat Incident. I was getting home after dark. I had a Board Meeting this evening. My schedule isn’t as busy as SOME people’s…
Right here. And there.
Today, made me think about how lucky I am. To be right here, in Preble County, Ohio. With so many good people in my life. With so many wonderful life experiences on any given day. When we were in Europe,
Ready. Connection.
Connections. We sure do try to make them sometimes. It seems that first we have considerations, and from there we try to correlate that idea or thought, with the next idea, thought, or action. Like this here spider. Let’s consider
Stretch. Like an Ant.
I like to look things up. I always have. Since I was a little kid, I found immense interest in the “finding out” of things And, back in those yesteryears, the “finding out” was so very different than it is
A time to make curds…
I experienced a lot today. Both the very good, and the very difficult. That is true of most days, but sometimes it seems the pendulum swings a little wider. Today it swung far and wide. Nonetheless. There was more good
Well thank you very much.
If we are lucky, our parents teach us how to say “please” and “thank you” from a very young age. If we are lucky. I think they are three of the most important words in life. “Please”….. we say, when
Red Hat Club
While we were in Europe, I read “The Catcher in the Rye.” I should say, I reread it. I am not sure why I picked it up, while we were in that bookstore, in NYC’s Laguardia Airport, but I did.
Fly fly fly.
Sorry Friends. No great writing scheme tonight. Family is in, and staying here with us. And there is a lot to do over the next couple of days, otherwise. I am tired beyond measure, but not too tired to say