
Happy Valentine’s Day.

Yes it was.  Pretty much, over and done, at this point.

But what a day for love to be in the air.  You see… here is how it goes. Every February 14….  all  across the great land of the United States….  and in other places around the world….  we celebrate this Hearty Day.   It is the custom, that candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones.  Couples profess their love for one another.

And… all in the name of St. Valentine.   Yep. That’s right.

But WHO?  The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus.  And each one of those boys were martyred. Somehow.  Man.  This has Cupid written all over it.

One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome.  The big bad Emporor…. Claudius II….  decided that single men made better soldiers.    Hence.. .the guys with wives and kids…. had to go.  SOOOoooo….. he outlawed marriage for young men.

This is where Valentine comes in.   Val knew this was JUST wrong.  So he defied that old Emperor and married a whole bunch of young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.  End of Valentine.

The other two stories are good ones too.  Escapes from prisons, secret letters, and such.  Very Cloak and Dagger-ish.  But.  The bottom line is, the holiday was first established to honor good St. Valentine.  Whoever he was.

Most people today, don’t even think of a Saint when they think of this day.

Yes.  Valentine’s Day. But here is why I really write about this box of chocolates.  As holidays go, I have a few things I think I’d like to mention about this.  You see,


*** I decided to remove the rest of tonight’s writing.  It was lengthy, and somewhat controversial. So, just. …  Happy Valentines Day.  To Us All.



“God does not forgive because he has never condemned.”  –  A Course in Miracles