Test tube results

usmom usdad


Another Thanksgiving has come and gone.

The name of this holiday, suggests to us, exactly what it is we need to do.

Give Thanks.

Most days, most of us, have plenty to be thankful for.  Sometimes, I am overwhelmed by the crazy amount of good things in my life.  It spans from the very little to the very large.

Sometimes, it seems easier than others, to be grateful.   But, deep down inside, we know we have much to be thankful for.  We do.

Heck. Wiggle your toes right now.  If you can do that…. you are blessed.  Can you clap your hands, think a thought, see this screen, smell the cat, taste hot coffee, sing a song, and on and on…. and on?  Yep. Blessings.

It is good for us… very good for us…. to be thankful.  The guys in the lab say so.  Yep… they report that the benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless.   In fact, people who regularly practice gratitude …. tend to experience more positive emotions.   They feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.

Now… I’m not quite sure how you would study something such as this… but I’ve read the reports.   I guess they have some terrific test tubes… and you can bet your bunsen burner… they are thankful for THAT lab set up.

Anyway.  Gratitude.  Seems like a win-win.

Here is my trouble.  I get inside my own head.  I tell myself things… and I create challenges for myself.  My fears, my worries, my lack of self-confidence… give me doubts.  Those things make me think that people do not like me.  Or that something is wrong. Or off.  Somehow.

But you know what happens more often than not?  People prove me wrong.  They show me love.  They make me feel that my little Grinch heart has been three-sizes-too-small.  Or perhaps, it is my little Finch brain being three-sizes-too-small.


Today, I was reminded that my life is filled with so many blessings.  And, I am grateful for so many wonderful things.  But most of all, I am thankful for the people in my life.  And for their kindness, caring and love.

I’m also thankful for leftover turkey on white bread with mayonnaise.

In mass proportions.

I’m grateful for you too.  In mass proportions, of course.  And I don’t need a scientific report to know it.