Easter is just around the corner. I am fairly certain it falls on the 21st of April this year. A Sunday of course. But here is the thing. I don’t get Easter. As hard as I have tried, since I
Month: April 2019
I’m related to Gene.
I know I have mentioned it before, but I did the “DNA Thing” on two different sites. Ancestry, and 23 & Me. They both have their advantages, and at this point, I don’t really favor one over the other.
Piece of that Pie, Team.
We watched the NCAA Women’s Basketball Final on Sunday night. Don’t run away from reading this if you don’t like sports. It really isn’t about sports. It is about the intelligence of Elephants. Well. Not really. But please stay. Okay.
Take a crap on your own lawn.
We have a problem out here. Well. One of many. The one I am thinking about today, is “Trash.” Of course, we all have trash. We humans, especially we Americans generate a LOT of waste. Not only that, it
Once we go, we went.
The other night, I wrote about losing people we love. About how much that can hurt sometimes. Earlier that night, Thursday night, I was out walking the dogs before bedtime. I happened to think about my cousin Jenny, who
Big Heads, Land Ho.
Here’s the thing. I had planned on writing about The Three Bears today. The ones with that gal Goldilocks. I was going to put the brakes on writing about history for a while. It seems that I’ve been looking
Now that’s a fine mess.
It is funny how you miss certain people when they are gone. Not funny, ha-ha-funny. Funny, curious-funny. I’ve lost several people to death. People I loved and cared about. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends. But it wasn’t until my
It is a good day, Doris.
Today is Doris Day’s Birthday. I’m not kidding. She is 97 years old today. If that doesn’t make you smile, I do not know what will. I don’t know what kind of a person she was, or is. I
My house thudded.
There are so many mysteries in the world. Those things that happen, and you simply have no explanation for the reasoning behind it. If there is a reasoning. Last night, the house, MY house, was making the most horrendous
Hit the road, Larry.
We didn’t go on many vacations when I was a kid. In fact, in all the years growing up, I can remember three. They were not like long vacations either. They were more like a long weekend. And always,