Up we go.

I read a quote by Sir Edmund Hillary this morning, which struck me. He said, “It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” I gave it a little minute, and then, it resonated with me in a big and

You name it.

We see Acronyms everywhere. They have become so commonplace in our society, that we barely even notice they are there. By definition, it is a word that is made up from initials. Mostly. And then once those initials come together,


Simply enough. Mothers come in all ways. That is how life goes. There are amazing Moms, and not-so-great Moms. It happens that way. I lucked out in the parental department. My Mom was kind, giving, caring, and full of love.

Some Brain Ideas

Some stories just stick with you. This morning, it seems, everything I was reading, or stumbling upon, had to do with death and dying. The first was an article on Robin Williams’ final days. A new book is due out,

Whoopsy Daisy

There are trade-offs with everything. This world has some pretty miraculous and wondrous things, places, people. But nothing of this world is perfect. Not one. You may be sipping a very delightful hot cup of coffee this morning, out of

The seed

I’ve never been in an IKEA store. Nor have I ever purchased an IKEA anything. I am told that when you go into one of their stores, you run the risk of being lost forever in the maze. At the

Say what?

Harry (no period after the) S Truman once said “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” First. Let’s get the no period thing out of the way. It has always bugged me, so I need to